福芯科技成立於2015年5月,用健康科技來提升人們生活的品質為宗旨。除了自主研發的UGYM中週波電療機品牌,阻力訓練運動設備,展望2020年開發”UTek 好環淨”系列商品,給你乾淨好環淨的空間,2021進口美國品牌運動水壺系列,期許未來福芯科技成為一個運動、健康、科技相關需求與知識的平台,讓大家用更聰明有效的方法讓生活更有品質。
U-GYM operates at frequency between 4000 to 8000Hz to stimulate deep into the muscle, nerves and meridians, simulating acupressure feel instead of the stinging feel on the skin when using conventional low frequency electrotherapy.
獨創驅蟎+防蚊+抗菌+香氛 四效合一。天然無毒,遠離過敏原,呼吸潔淨的空間。辦公室的個人空間,露營車內,讓您森呼吸。迷你的尺寸,大大的滿足,隨時隨地帶著走。UTek小海螺更多訊息
小小一台 大大滿意 口袋機商品更多訊息
口袋型尺寸使用介面人性化 隨時切換或自訂喜好按摩模式 |
高度行動力放在你的隨手包或口袋 隨時隨地使用不受限制 |
時尚外觀設計具外來感的LED 燈號顯示與外觀設計 |
長時間待命一次充電能用五小時 以上滿足一天的需求 |
Smartphone Control
Switch massage modes using U-GYM App
Highly Mobile
Mount it on your armband or put it in your pocket. Use it indoor, outdoor, anytime, and anywhere.
It looks even better in action with futuristic-looking LED lights.
Powerful Battery Life
A fully charged battery gives you 5 hours of satisfying massage.
IPX7 等級防水 : IPX7 防水、防雨、防塵、防泥、防雪、防沙。可完全浸入1公尺深的水中 30 分鐘。可以承受您遇到的任何暴雨或灑在其上的任何飲料,可以免受泥土、污垢、灰塵或任何其他自然因素的影響,電池續航力佳 : 隨時隨地享受長達 30 小時的播放時間。更多商品訊息.....
U-GYM supports both iOS and Android platforms. Allowing you and other users to customize, swap, and share your own health management systems.
Soreness in muscles can affect your sleep. Not having a good night of sleep can hinder the recovery of your body. Prevent getting into a vicious cycle by giving your body a proper massage.
Stimulate your muscles before and during warm up to enhance warm up efficiency and avoid sports injuries.
Muscle stimulation during training can increase workout intensity and burn more calories.
Loosen your body with proper muscle stimulation to relieve and prevent soreness after intense workout.
UGYM Technology Corp.
台北公司: 10588台北市松山區延壽街18巷2-1號 統編:54999212 / Tel: 02-2747-6176 / Email: info@myugym.com
新竹公司:30268 新竹縣竹北市光明六路249號2樓 統編:24969129 / Tel: 03-5586475 / Email: aki@myugym.com
美國公司: Irvine, California, USA / Tel: +1-646-568-2786 / Email: my@myugym.com
UGYM Technology Corp.
Taiwan Office: 2-1, Lane 18, YanShou St., SongShan Dist, Taipei 10588, Taiwan / Tel: +886-2-2747-6176 / Email: info@myugym.com
US Office: Irvine, California, USA / Tel: +1-646-568-2786 / Email: my@myugym.com
Copyright © 2020 UGYM Technology Corp. All rights reserved .